WITH India

We are the people of God in DC and one of our greatest blessings is being a part of a larger family…a global family of God.  As part of this family, we have the privilege to stand with those who suffer.


Today a humanitarian crisis rages on the other side of the globe as Covid ravages cities and communities in India. With as many as 400,000 new Covid cases a day, hospitals are overwhelmed as people wait in line to receive life saving medical treatment.  The DMV, with its larger ethnic Indian community, is especially connected to this tragedy.

Still, there is hope because of Jesus.  We, his church, were built for this, to enter into the brokenness and bring healing and restoration.  As Jesus stands with us, we can stand WITH India.  But what can we do from the other side of the globe?


First and most importantly, pray.  Pray for the Lord who heals to intervene in powerful and miraculous ways.  Pray for God’s church in India, that they will be protected and strengthened to enter in and serve courageously with the love of Jesus.  


Second, there are ways that we can support the work of the church in India financially.  OneHeartDC is working with two trusted Christian hospital systems in India, Bangalore Baptist Hospital and Christian Medical College Hospitals to provide funding to buy oxygen, equipment and supplies, and to pay doctors and nurses.   Please prayerfully consider if God would have you contribute and visit their websites (listed below).

Bangalore Baptist Hospital: Give through SamaritanMedicalOutreach


Christian Medical College Hospitals:  Give through Bloom India


Third, we are looking for ways to send equipment and supplies to India.  Since we are past the peak of Covid here in the US, there is a surplus of ventilators, oxygen concentrators, bipap machines and personal protective equipment that can be sent to India.  If you can help source any of this equipment, or help figure out the logistics to get things to India, please contact Jake Abraham at jake.abraham@cru.org

Jesus said, “Let your light shine before all men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.”  Even through this crisis, we believe that the light of Jesus can shine through us as we stand WITH India