Josh Robinson
Sr. Pastor, Good Hope Church, Washington, DC

As we prepare for the Capital Region National Day of Prayer it is imperative that we understand God’s desire for ONE CHURCH – ONE BODY – ONE FAMILY. There are people from every tribe, tongue and nation amongst us, but there are also six generations of people represented on the earth at this current time. God raises up generation after generation to know Him and to be His representatives here on earth.

One of the fundamental principles of scripture is that God is always seeking to do something greater. In Haggai chapter two we read of the second temple that was built after the people came out of captivity and back to the land that God had promised their forefathers. Although, this was an exciting time for many, for those that saw the first temple that Solomon built, they were a little disheartened. Solomon’s temple was beautiful and majestic and the second temple just didn’t live up to the greatness and splendor of the former. But although the second temple couldn’t compare to the first temple in beauty and design, God speaks through Haggai that “the glory of the second temple will be greater than the glory of the first temple.”

God always desires to do a new thing in each generation and it is up to the former current generation to recognize that God is raising up the next generation and that the glory of the latter will be greater than the glory of the former. God is doing a new thing on the earth and He is calling for the mature generation to stop only investing in their house and to start investing in the next generation’s house. For it truly will be greater, if we as His people will just humble ourselves and stop trying to make our name great…let’s make HIS name great by investing our time, talents, and treasures into those that God would raise up “for such a time as this.” Each generation has a responsibility to the next generation to ensure their future. If we see a generation that is not where it should be, we cannot blame that generation, but the previous generation.